dWallet is Coming to Encrypt London

dWallet is Coming to Encrypt London

February 19, 2024

Hello dWallet Community and Cryptography Enthusiasts!

We are beyond excited to announce that dWallet Network is proud to co-host Encrypt London on March 15th, a premier technical event dedicated to the forefront of cryptographic research with tangible impacts in the realm of modern cryptography. This year, we're diving deep into the fascinating worlds of Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZK), Multi-Party Computation (MPC), and Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) — key technologies shaping the future of privacy and security in blockchain and beyond.

Our research team is eager to engage with the community, sharing the groundbreaking work we've accomplished in 2PC-MPC. We've made strides that not only advance the field but also have direct applications in enhancing privacy and security for decentralized technologies. This is a fantastic opportunity to discuss, learn, and explore the latest in cryptographic research and its real-world applications.

But that's not all! Encrypt London will feature an incredible lineup of speakers, including some of the most respected and pioneering minds in the field. We're honored to welcome Zvika Brakerski from the Weizmann Institute of Science, a leading expert in FHE and one of the brilliant minds behind the BGV encryption scheme. Joining him will be Benny Pinkas from Aptos Labs, renowned for his significant contributions to MPC research. With many more exciting speakers, this event is not to be missed by anyone interested in the cutting edge of cryptography.

Encrypt London promises to be an enlightening and inspiring event, bringing together world-renowned researchers, developers, and cryptography enthusiasts. Whether you're deeply involved in cryptographic research or simply curious about the latest technological advancements, this event is for you.

For more information and to stay updated on the event details, keep an eye on our announcements. If you're as passionate about cryptography as we are and want to dive into discussions or have any questions, our dWallet Discord community is the perfect place to start.

We can't wait to see you at Encrypt London and explore the future of cryptography together!

The dWallet Network Team

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